• James Campbell


    The idea of Coffin Island Brewing all started with James. The story is a common one in the brewing industry. It all started with a homebrew kit gifted to James for Christmas in 2010. After brewing with a kit, a handful of times he started daydreaming about owning and operating a brewery. After involving his oldest son Bryan, they jumped headfirst into learning everything they could about brewing.

    Contact James directly

  • Bryan Campbell


    Bryan started brewing in 2016 with the goal of owning and operating a brewery. He was living in Michigan working as a bartender, enjoying the amazing craft beer scene Michigan had to offer. Bryan moved to Charleston in the summer of 2015 with the specific goal of opening a brewery with his parents and has spent the rest of his time in Charleston learning everything he can about the art of brewing great beer.

    Contact Bryan directly

  • Lisa Campbell


    With Bryan and James being the creative force of Coffin Island Brewing, Lisa is the one who brings them back down to reality. Lisa is the rock that keeps them grounded when they let their imaginations wander and the person who keeps them moving forward when they feel lost.

    Contact Lisa directly